
Join Hacoocha to understand more about the best tea meditation

Practice meditation and drink tea to calm and clear your mind. Boil a teapot to stop listening to love, raise a cup of tea to contemplate the mind of meditation, although words are not expressed, the taste of meditation is enough.

The reason to say "One taste of Zen tea" is to refer to the spirit and will of drinking tea. As the old saying goes, if you don't understand meditation, don't understand Zen mind, when you drink tea, you won't feel the identity between tea and meditation. When drinking tea, your heart must be still, mentally relaxed, slowly feel the taste of tea to bring your heart into the silence and peace of the vast universe.

Meditation and tea both share the same purpose, which is to find the sublimation and purity of the soul. The process of tea extraction and preparation is like slowly picking each top of the tea, boiling water makes tea, when pouring tea, you must slowly raise and lower three times to appreciate the color of the tea, enjoy the tea flavor and taste. tea. All of these are the natural understanding and truthfulness of human nature, which can bring the soul to the sublime realm beyond the world.

The habit of drinking tea of Vietnamese people has become a typical cultural feature of the nation. Almost every family has a tea set for drinking or entertaining guests. Every time guests come to the house to play, the host brings the freshly brewed tea pot and tea set to receive the guests as an indispensable ritual.

Talking about tea drinking, it is impossible not to mention the essay "Tea cup in the morning dew" by Nguyen Tuan. “Never has this old man dared to be careless in his frugal amusement,” he wrote. Brewing for yourself as well as tea for guests, Mr. Am has put so much effort into it. Those elaborate rituals have become rituals, if in a well-brewed teapot, people will be able to perceive a little bit of poetry and a little bit of philosophy and psychology… They keep thinking that a tea set has only four cups. If you are in the army, you know enough that the pleasure of drinking Chinese tea can't be noisy. The way of communication of the ancients was frugal, not as rowdy as it is now. Only elegant people, with the same aura, can sit at the same teapot."

Not only Vietnamese people, but also other ethnic groups like to drink tea. In particular, the Japanese have respected drinking tea into the tea ceremony. Countries influenced by Chinese culture all have a similar way of enjoying tea. British people usually drink tea in the evening. The tea-drinking aristocrats were even more picky. But the most interesting thing is that the Zen masters cook their own water to make the poisoned tea. Drinking tea makes people more quiet and calm, is a way to calm the mind to help the soul relax, forget about defilements… So drinking tea becomes a philosophy of life, a special ritual that brings with it a special ritual. many noble properties.

When a tea drinker enters the tea ceremony, he gets rid of all his bustling life, forgets all desires, and is completely calm like a peaceful water surface. For secular people drinking tea is to find peace of mind, but for meditators, drinking tea is a way to meditate: "Tea with the taste of meditation has one taste" (Tea and meditation are one).

So what is meditation tea?

Simply put, Zen tea is a method of meditation through drinking tea. It is possible for all people, all ages, all cultures, all religions. The Zen tea here is different from the Japanese tea ceremony. When it comes to tea and meditation many people wonder, “What is the relationship between tea and meditation?” When we take a sip of tea, we will also feel a similar sensation.

We can meditate while walking, performing archery, listening to meditative music or drinking a cup of tea. When drinking tea, just think about choosing a few pinch of tea, the smell of tea, the sound of the boiling kettle and the taste of the first sip of tea on our lips. Realizing the first cup of tea will make us feel immersed in a universe in which there is only you, your own cup of tea and your own sitting position. Having accomplished the above, we have entered meditation, as long or as quickly as the body is comfortable. That way we will have moments of peace, the heart will beat lighter and the breathing will be deeper.

Today, scientists have proven that Theanine is an Amino Acid found only in tea plants (green, white or black tea are just processed products but also have the above properties). Theanine stimulates the activity of alpha brain waves. This alpha wave occurs when we are awake and relaxed. The experience of meditation also shows that there are alpha waves in the brain.

Meditation can be done anytime, anywhere, with or without tea, but why not double the fun with a cup of your favorite tea? When the mind is unstable, why don't we settle into a cup of tea? Depending on where we live and who we live with, find a quiet corner sipping a few sips of hot tea to look inside, live with our breath, enter the inner stillness, that is, we I entered meditation.
