
Rice cooked in tea water - a great way to prevent cancer and cure diseases

Tea has many good effects on health, but few people think that making a little tea when cooking rice can have so many healing effects.

Cooking rice with tea - a "great trick" to treat 5 dangerous diseases

In the book "The Ten Di Manuscripts" (China) it is recorded that “…dùng trà lâu dài có thể làm cho cơ thể mảnh mai, giảm mỡ, trị bệnh…”. Điều này để chứng minh, cách nấu cơm cho thêm trà đã được xem là một “tuyệt chiêu” chữa bệnh hiệu quả.

Using tea (or fresh tea leaves) to cook rice not only reduces fat but also has a great effect on people with chronic brain disease.

Besides, this rice dish not only prevents cancer, reduces fatigue, cleans the mouth, aids digestion, but also supports good health care.

According to research by nutritionists, using a little tea to cook rice can prevent 5 common diseases quite effectively instead of being too dependent on drugs.

1. Cancer Prevention

Tea polyphenols can prevent the synthesis of carcinogenic nitrosamines in the human body, which can prevent gastrointestinal cancer.

2. Stroke prevention

One of the reasons for a stroke is when the body's lipid peroxide causes the blood vessels in the blood vessels to lose their elasticity.

Meanwhile, the tannic acid in tea has the effect of limiting the production of lipid peroxide, which is effective in preventing stroke.

Rice cooked with tea - a great way to prevent cancer and cure diseases - Photo 4.
Eating cooked rice with green tea has the effect of preventing stroke (Artwork)

3. Prevention and treatment of cardiovascular diseases

Tea contains up to 70-80% of polyphenols extracted from tea leaves. Scientific evidence shows that tea polyphenols can enhance the resilience of blood vessels, preventing capillary rupture and bleeding.

Moreover, polyphenols can reduce blood cholesterol, inhibit atherosclerosis.

Therefore, the elderly eat rice cooked with tea, which can soften blood vessels, reduce blood lipids, and prevent cardiovascular diseases.

4. Digestive Support

In the medical book "Manuscript Ten Di" of the Tang Dynasty (China), it was recorded that regular tea consumption can make the body slimmer and slimmer.

If you regularly use tea to cook rice, it can support digestion and is highly effective in breaking down fat components in the body.

5. Relieves toothache

Tea contains fluoride, which is an important substance indispensable for whitening and cleaning teeth.

When eating a suitable amount of tea, it can enhance the resilience of teeth when damaged, and also have an antacid effect, preventing tooth decay.

According to Tien Phong